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Friday, March 11, 2011

an update from the Slu's.....prayer request

Today was a very good day......Kim Ward and I had the opportunity, with our sister in the Lord Ellen Scisciani, to do a presentation at Central Academy Lake Park for the elementary kids....we have already done one for the highschool and middleschoolers....What a blessing to be able to stand before these little ones and teach them eternal truth about God and his love for share with them about their adoptions into the Messiah and how now they can call God "daddy'...ABBA FATHER....Ellen did a wonderful job making the presentation age appropriate and fun..all the while sharing the beauty of what is the Gospel of God.....Caring for Orphans in their distress......Kim shared about how God laid his love for Orphans on her heart and then I led them in a prayer for those who need a parents love......It is such an honor to be God's messanger in these forums.....Children are powerful in prayer.....My son and daughter have always come home from their chapel services at school with story after story of what they learned from the speakers personal testimony......They would pray for a sick person that they heard about or a missions ministry they learned about.....It is my prayer that this school, Central Academy, will partner with us to help Orphans....what a legacy.......Now on a personal note....please be praying for us and for the Wards.....Ethiopia has had a sudden issue with adoption court cases slowing down by 90% in the last day...This is devastating news for those caught in the system...It means that people who have already accepted their child and are waiting to go over there to the courts are on major hold......The children could be on hold for long periods of time(possibly sad).....this is truly devastating for the families and especially the children who are stuck in orphanages.....We are personally in the very beginning stages so this has effected us, and it could prevent us from adopting from that country......we will definantely be adopting...that is not our issue.....we are asking God to direction us at this point and would appreciate your prayers with agencies (if we need to change) and countries (if we need to change)..Our heart is set on Ethiopia and God can still open the door to work out the courts issues....but only time will tell......Today, we are trusting God for his leading and going faith.........When I talked to our Pastor Greg Baker...his comment was "welcome to the wonderful world of adoption"........