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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

waiting for Rahwa

Hello Friends....It has been some time since I posted on the blog but I wanted to share what has been going on in our lives as we have waited for Rahwa Shalom....I would say that they key word in life for us right now is WAITING....Since courts closed in Aug and Sept we were told to "hold tight" for a long summer....with no action....We had missed the court date cut off because they had to research Rahwa's date of birth and they had trouble getting it.......We finally were told that it is Dec she will be 11 this year.....But just waiting for her birthday took a few months......As Oct approached we expected to hear about our court date to travel...we were told to look at late Nov, early we have been preparing...In the meantime, the Lord allowed 6 of the families that are adopting from Rahwa's orphanage to meet and start a support/prayer group on line....We have seen pix of eachothers kids and they are all together at Operation Rescue Ethiopia..What a blessing......such strong believers all praying for one another and encouraging eachother as we wait......What is so exciting is that although all of us live far from eachother, our kids can keep in contact, if they want to by Skype and by meeting for mini vacations.......God is faithful......Well, yesterday I found out that all of Rahwa's paperwork is STILL NOT COMPLETE......This was surprising to me and Jim and depressinng.....It means we are not even at the point of "court date" and since courts have slowed down we have no idea when travel will be......I am sad but am still trusting God for his appointed times......In the meantime, I have been blessed to be involved in a ministry here in Charlotte that helps encourage beleivers in Africa and spread the Gospel through Moblity(motor bikes)...It is called With Open have been busy with Jewish Ministry and with Prayer Ministry at WOE so I feel full of the Lord and very complete in walking in his timing.......Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement.....For all of the FUNDS!!!! and for being a part of Rahwa's life through prayer and love......we love you  and I will keep you all updated as I hear things..........!!!!  Love, Traci