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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Jim's thoughts

I can't say that adoption has been on my mind for years. As most men these days my day to day thoughts are mostly on working and getting more wotk for tomorrow. Being able to make the next months bills and hopefully having a little left over for something fun. Over the years Traci has asked me if I was interested in trying to have more children? I would always say," well I'll think about it", and then life would take over and time would go by...... well, your know the rest "I would never get back with an anwser". Then our friends asked us what we thought about adoption and to pray about it. I watched u-tube videos one night and I felt feelings that I hadn't felt in a long time. I sat there watching and heard in my ear " you spend so much time and effort on things that don't amount to anything eternal". This is the moment that I knew that I should do this. Don't get me wrong ,I still have my natural fears about the cost of making it happen. But, I do know that I'm not in charge of this thing called life, BUT GOD IS!!! So we started praying for our new family members. Then days later a name came to me  strongly, "Misha", and that night we met someone that had also chosen that name for thier daugther. We took it as our first sign and so our name has been chosen for our daughter-to-be. Now we are all looking forward to the day that we start recieving the faces behind our dreams.

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